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China Society for Vibration Engineering (CSVE) Office

Address: Office of the CSVE, 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing, China (南京市御道街29号中国振动工程学会办公室)

Postal Code: 210016

Phone: 025-84892135 (Office)

             025-84897025 (Financial Inquiries)

Fax: 025-84892135

Website: http://www.csve.org.cn/

Email: csve@nuaa.edu.cn

Bank Account Name: Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (中国振动工程学会)

Bank: Bank of Communications (BOCOM), Nanjing Yudao Street Branch (交通银行南京分行御道街支行)

Account Number: 320006639010149000701

Unified Social Credit Code: 5110000050000223XX

Journal of Vibration Engineering (JVE) Editorial Office

Address: JVE Editorial Office, 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing, China (南京市御道街29号振动工程学报编辑部)

Postal Code: 210016

Phone: 025-84895885

Fax: 025-84892135

Website: http://zdxb.nuaa.edu.cn/

Email: zdxb@nuaa.edu.cn

Bank Account Name: Chinese Society for Vibration Engineering (中国振动工程学会)

Bank: Bank of Communications (BOCOM), Nanjing Yudao Street Branch (交通银行南京分行御道街支行)

Account Number: 320006639010149000701

Journal of Vibration and Shock (JVS) Editorial Office

Address: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai, China (上海市华山路1954号上海交通大学内)

Postal Code: 200030

Phone: 021-62822934

Fax: 021-62822934

Website: http://jvs.sjtu.edu.cn/

Email: jvs@sjtu.edu.cn

Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (CGE) Editorial Office

Address: 34 Hujuguan, Nanjing, China (南京市虎踞关34)

Postal Code: 210024

Phone: (025)85829534, 85829553

Fax: (025)85829555

Website: http://www.cgejournal.com/


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